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Change is possible.

Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of mind where you are awake, aware of your surroundings and in control, but feeling a dream-like relaxation, similar to the dreamy state of mind that exists just before falling asleep. Clinical hypnosis deliberately induces this kind of focused state of awareness so the conscious mind can be bypassed, and positive

suggestions can be made directly to the subconscious mind. This is where we work towards your goal to change a psychological characteristic or habit and help to change outdated and irrelevant thought processes and perceptions. Depending on the issue, some may be resolved quickly, others need a little more time and effort.

Research shows we operate from our subconscious minds 
85%-95% of the time.

Hypnotherapy can help with many different issues and concerns, of which the most common are listed below. Please contact us if you have an issue that is not listed and we can discuss if hypnotherapy can assist you.

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Unhelpful Habits


Self - Confidence


Relationship Issues

Stressed Woman
Spilling Sand
Diet Apples

Stress Management Program

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or generally just unable to relax, then this program is the one for you! It is specifically designed for clients who are suffering the negative effects that stress can cause both physically and mentally. With new knowledge, tools and techniques you will be able to take back control and enjoy a calmer and more relaxed life.

Gold     8 sessions $999.00

Silver     6 sessions $799.00

Bronze   3 sessions $399.00

Discovery Program
If you feel like you have lost your way and you are not living the life you dreamed of, or maybe you are not even sure what it is you want, then this program is the one for you! It is specifically designed for clients who are struggling to find balance, freedom and happiness.

Gold - 8 sessions $999.00

Silver - 6 sessions $799.00

Weight Loss/Management Program

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or generally just unable to relax, then this program is the one for you! It is specifically designed for clients who are suffering the negative effects that stress can cause both physically and mentally. With new knowledge, tools and techniques you will be able to take back control and enjoy a calmer and more relaxed life.

Gold - 8 weekly sessions $999.00

Silver - 6 weekly sessions $799.00

Bronze3 weekly sessions $399.00

Happy Traveler


Suitable for children 10 -14 years

Limited spaces available

$50.00 per child

Woman Sleeping


Suitable for children 10 -14 years

Limited spaces available

$50.00 per child

Personal Development Bronze

Suitable for children 10 -14 years

Limited spaces available

$50.00 per child

Schedule a free 15 minute chat and see if it's right for you!
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

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